Microsoft 365 App Suite

Choose from PDR, Leave Request, Asset Manager, Expenses, Overtime, Guest Sign in and Clock In Apps
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Personal Development App

Foster Employee Growth with our Personal Development App.

Regular employee performance appraisals are essential for fostering employee growth, however, these can be seen as a checkbox activity that must be completed, rather than an opportunity to improve personal and organisational performance.

Replace paper-based questionnaires with our digital survey that can easily be customised for every employee. Once the appraisal is complete, set actions within the app. Reminders can be sent to employees and leadership to ensure actions are completed, and allowing progress to be tracked.

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Leave Request App

Easily Respond to and Track Employee Leave Requests.

Many organisations are still using a manual leave request application process that is time consuming, inefficient, and frustrating for employees. Our leave request app has been built leveraging the Microsoft Power Platform, and can be accessed through your company intranet and Microsoft Teams.

Employees can easily view their remaining annual leave allowance, make new requests, and view upcoming and previously approved annual leave requests. This saves your organisation time previously spent laboriously inputting, tracking, and responding to requests.

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Asset Management App

Efficiently Track and Manage Organisational Assets

Tracking the location and condition of physical assets can be a difficult and time consuming process, especially when employees are working in different locations.

Built leveraging Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft SharePoint, the Asset Management App allows your organisation to keep a digital record of all physical devices, and the activity relating to each asset. This makes it easier to allocate resources, plan for projects, and ensures employees are held accountable for the condition of the devices that they use.

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Expenses App

Digitally Transform Your Employee Expense Claim Process

Our Expenses app gives your employees the ability to quickly and easily submit personal, mileage, and company credit card expense requests. It also allows your finance team to efficiently track and respond to requests.

Developed using Power Apps and embedded within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, the app has been proven to improve efficiency and productivity.

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Overtime App

Digitally Transform Your Overtime Process

A common challenge that many busy organisations face is relying on outdated manual processes to track employee overtime. This can easily result in errors, wasted administration time, and frustrated employees.

Our Overtime App simplifies the entire overtime process by giving employees the ability to easily apply for overtime, and for leadership to quickly respond to any requests. Introducing the Overtime App will result in improved efficiency, reduced administration time, and improved record keeping within your organisation.

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Guest Sign In App

Take control of your Guest Sign-In Experience

The Flyte Guest Sign In application provides a streamlined and configurable touchpoint for users to sign into a building, office or location. The application provides a range of configurations as standard to suit businesses of any type, size or visitor type- perhaps Employees need to quickly sign in using PIN access, but new visitors need to provide their name, select who they are visiting and take a photo for a badge- the application can support the experience you wish to provide users.

By bringing all sign in data into a digital platform, the Guest Sign In application is a GDPR compliant solution linked directly into your existing Microsoft 365 infrastructure.

In addition to providing a streamlined Sign In experience, the Guest Sign In application doubles as a digital Fire Register for Emergency situations. Easily see who is signed in, check off all persons are accounted for and quickly identify who is not.

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Clock in App

Our Clock In app provides a streamlined solution for shift working employees to record worked hours within the Microsoft 365 environment. Accessed through a personal or shared device, clock data is stored for payroll to access and overtime hours can be accrued and redeemed if required.

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